Wealth Creating Science

Friday, May 11, 2007

Wealth Creation - Having The Right Mindset

What do I mean when I say “Wealth is a Mindset”? In the last article I posted, I talked about wealth encompassing more than money. Although I agreed that money is an important part of wealth, I discussed how other issues such as health and spiritual happiness are just as important.

There is another side to the “wealth is a mindset” perspective. This comes into play when focusing on the creation of wealth; specifically on the creation of the money aspect of wealth. If you want to attract money into your life, you need to feel good about money. How many of us grew up believing that rich people were evil? Many people grew up being told and believing that rich people got their money by devious or illegal methods. Many of us grew up believing that rich people were totally self centered, dishonest, immoral, unjust, had little regard for other people and so on. With those kind of beliefs, how could anybody allow themselves to become financially wealthy? How could anybody allow themselves to go to a position about which they had such negative thoughts?

I was one of those people. I’ve always liked money, but I always had negative beliefs about rich people. Throughout my life I had several opportunities to join the ranks of the financially comfortable. Each time I came close and started tasting the benefits, I ran; I took a different path and started all over again. I never knew why I was so uncomfortable with having lots of money but I was aware that each time I turned away. I have now come to grips with my beliefs about money and rich people and my path has changed.

Let’s be clear. I’m not saying all rich people are great people or that money makes you wonderful. There are bad apples in every cart and I have met many rich people who I would not trade places with for “all the tea in China”. I truly believe it is not the money that gives these people a bad attitude. The attitudes and behaviors are there and would be there money or no money. There are rich people who are downright nasty just as there are poor people who are downright nasty.

So, if you want more money in your life, you need to feel good about money. That is sometimes difficult to do especially for people who do not have enough money in their lives. According to the Law of Attraction, it is those very negative feelings that keep them in a position of not having enough money. According to the Law of Attraction, when your thoughts focus on the absence of something, you get the absence. When you focus on “I am poor”, or “I can’t afford that”, then that is exactly the state that will be given to you.

Acquiring financial wealth requires a mindset that has positive thoughts about money. Thoughts about its absence or scarcity will not enhance the flow of money. The Law of Attraction says that there is plenty for everybody in the world and that it is up to us to attract the things into our life that we want. What we have is what we have attracted. So if we are not content with what we have, then we need to examine our thoughts and the things we focus on. If we focus on debt, we will get debt. If we focus on poverty, we will get poverty. If we focus on riches, we will get riches. How? The Law of Attraction says to leave that to the Universe – just be clear in telling the Universe what we really want. The movie “The Secret” details that very well.