Wealth Booster
Wealth Booster
Welcome to my blog, Wealth Booster. In this blog I plan to discuss different information I have found on increasing and preserving wealth. This is a subject that caught my attention approximately one year ago. Until then I didn't realize; in fact, had no awareness at all, that a person's attitude towards money could affect their wealth. I was blind to the concept. Then, quite by accident(although I no longer believe in accidents - another topic for another time) I came across material that was discussing money, attitudes towards money, attitudes towards people with money and the whole wealth concept. The study of this information has become my wealth booster and I am certainly impressed with the results. Throughout this blog, I plan on detailing some of those results.
Once I accepted the fact that "You require nothing outside yourself to increase your wealth consciousness, and therefore money. All you need is within you right now"
"Wealth consciousness is simply the expansion of your consciousness and awareness into the wealthy parts of your Self" (Quotes taken from A Happy Pocket Full of Money)
These principles formed the foundation of my wealth booster philosophy - I guess really, it is the philosophy of others that I have adapted to make my life more meaningful and richer.
I will seek to post daily tidbits which I have come across that help form my personal wealth booster philosophy and I will intersperse throughout those tidbits the successes that my family and I have had putting these beliefs into practice.
More information on wealth building is Secret of Attraction.
I wish you success, wealth, health and happiness.
Wealth Booster
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